Profile picture of Travis Spencer Travis Spencer — Software Engineer


FAPI Working Group Presentation

Last updated:

Today, I presented the following information about Curity's hypermedia authentication API to the OpenID Foundation's FAPI working group. I got good comments, questions, and feedback which I appreciated very much. The conclusion was that we'd make a subgroup to discuss it more and see where it takes us. Feel free to join the OpenID Foundation and join us. The more the merrier ☺


Our Customers' Demands

OpenID Connect is a Hypermedia API

App Provenance

Proving Provenance

Flow Used to Prove Provenance

                                               +-(A)-Challenge----+        Authorization
                                               |                  |           Server
                                               v                  |   +-------------------+
+---------------+   (B) Request   +------------+---+              v   | +---------------+ |
|               +<--attestation---+                +------(D)---->o-----|  CAT endpoint | |
|  Attestation  |                 |  OAuth Client  |  Attestation |   | +---------------+ |
|    System     |                 |  Application   |              |   |                   |
|               +-------(C)------>+                +<--(E)-CAT----+   |                   |
+---------------+   Attestation   +---+----+---+---+                  |                   |
                                      |    ^   |                      | +---------------+ |
                                      |    |   +---(F)-CAT------>o------|Token endpoint | |
                                      |    |                     |    | +---------------+ |
                                      |    +-(G)-AAT-------------+    |                   |
                                      |                               | +---------------+ |
                                      +----(H)-AAT-------------->o------|Login endpoints| |
                                                                      | +---------------+ |

Adapting to First- or Third-party Provenance

More Info & Next Steps